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Wen Liu hat ein Gespür für die Mikrostruktur der Klänge und die Fähigkeit, das in größere formale Zusammenhänge zu binden. Sie verbindet instrumentale und vokale Gesten zu einer individuellen Musiksprache und hat ein starkes Klangbewusstsein.
Wen Liu has an intuition for the microstructure of sounds and the skill to integrate these insights to create larger formal patterns. She combines instrumental and vocal gestures to build an individual musical language and has a strong sensibility for sounds.
- Ö1 Talentebörse-Kompositionspreis Jury Comment

Multidisciplinary Storytelling; Narrative, Media and Cognition
Participatory Gaming Structure within Music Theater
AI - Music,Visuals and Audiovisual design

M.A.R.S. is a global music and arts community, aims to connect musicians, artists, theater professionals, designers, scientists, researchers and technology engineers.
M.A.R.S. has incubated the international festival for music and arts: Festival M.A.R.S. (Music & Arts ReSound).
And the multidisciplinary collective Studio M.A.R.S. (Music Art Research Science)
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